Many people desire to learn simple card tricks. They don’t want advanced techniques that they can’t follow. Instead, what they need is a card magic trick that beginners can study and practice in minutes. You can visit Turf ‘n’ Sport for more astonishing card tricks that even children can learn. In this article, you will learn how to perform easy card tricks. Here are some card magic tricks for beginners that I will share with you.
Women’s Lib
Although this card trick is simple enough to use aces, you can also perform it with four queens. Before starting this trick, remove the four queens. Tell your spectator to take the deck and divide it into four equal piles. As you do this, find the pile with the first four queens. This pile should be at the end of the group. Then say, “Let’s name each pack. How about A, B, C, D? Point to each set, and call them in the order they appear. It would be best to name pile D last. Next, tell your spectator to pick pile A and place three cards in that pile. Next, tell your spectator to choose deck A and place three cards on the table. Tell your audience to put the deck on top of the three cards you dealt. You can repeat the process for stacks C, D, and B. Make sure the first three cards are dealt before you make the turn for the next three. When it is finished, you have a queen in each pile. This trick guarantees that women always win. To see if they are women, turn over the first card of each deck.
Double Cross Card
First, ask your spectator to tell the trick to shuffle the cards as many times as they want. This step is vital because no matter how the cards are shuffled, they will always be in the same order in the end. Before starting the trick, make sure you have a full deck of 13 cards and place the cards face down on the table in numerical order. Your partner must make sure that the cards have been placed in numerical order. You can then take the cards from your partner’s hands and square them up. You can ask the spectator to explain how to shuffle the cards. He or she may tell you to sell or fold the cards. You should take one of the cards and place it face down on the table when he says deal. If they say double, you should also take the next card from the same deck. You can then place both cards face down on the table. Your partner can use either direction immediately; you must place them in a pile on the table.
Finishing Move
As you approach the end of the trick and begin to form the deck, tell your partner that you want to make sure the cards have been shuffled correctly. Then instruct him to deal the cards again. After he gives you his instructions, you stick to them as you pass the cards into a pile. Then you take the last deck of cards and tell your spectator that the cards will only behave the way you want them to, no matter how many times you have dealt them. The audience will be amazed to see the cards return to their original order after you turn them over. Simple card tricks like this are possible with a bit of math and magic.